Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 33- Project and Shopping mall

Today was the second last lesson for the trip and today lesson starts at 9am. And our last lesson was on presentation. We did 2009 revision paper until 12pm and after that Cynthia, ling li, Winnie and Janice when to shopping mall, Wal-mart to shop for last round of 特产.

Soon ling and I was busy with our project and we only meet them after we have finish with our project. Project management is a module which we can apply in school and later on in the working society. Ms Neo did her part by covering all the relevant parts and in exam, all the questions have been gone through my ms neo. I was the most ‘blur’ in the class and whenever we were doing practical, I will definitely ask her questions, and she will never fails to guide me with her patients. And after she finishes telling me, she will ask me whether I understand a not. She also will have lunch together with us which I like it a lot as she does not have the mindset that teacher is of a higher rank than students thus they cannot be mixed together. She also has a good balance between strict and fun. I asked her a question before, “we always give u so much problem, did you regret coming here, having to tolerate all the nonsense which you do not need to face it.” She say no, because of her passion of teaching. She have an in born teacher qualities, which I like it a lot. Some of the teachers teach because of status, some because of pay and I’m sure if you ask ms neo to pay for all the expenses just to teach, she will definite agree. At around 5pm me and soon ling when down to 销品茂 to meet the rest. While Cynthia, ling li, Winnie and Janice was waiting for us, they went to eat mango ice before heading to KFC.

This is the stuff that ling li brought

After buying, we when back to our hostel and because we brought a lot of things, quite a number of taxi didn’t want to fetch us because of the number of boxes we having.

These are the boxes we had brought

Ling Li is removing all the boxes in order to lighten the luggage weight.

Reflection: I brought many foods from China back to Singapore for my dear family and friends. Sharing these foods with others is really nice as it can bring joy to others. I am sure my family members and friends will like what I have brought for them. It is not just about sharing foods or delicacy with others. We have to learn to share our feelings, thoughts and even our achievements with others. Last but not least, I would like to say “Sharing is a blessing.”

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