Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 32-Free and easy

Today I wake up at 12pm, due to the fact that I was deprived of sleep for few days already and it was a free and easy day. We took bus 702 to 光谷 which need around 1 hour journey ride. As it was still early to go to 老鼠街 , we decided to alight one bus stop away from光谷. The first things we saw was Q蛋仔.as we were all hungry and this was nice thus everybody ate this.

This is the litters which the streetsweepers just sweep in to the drain

It is common for them to sell dogs

Than we continue to walk further down until we came to a shopping mall which is call Chicony

I and soon ling went in to shop while the rest just shop at the streets outside of this shop. Basically the stuff sold inside was very expensive. The male pajama sold in there was 1980rmb and I brought a shirt and a pant for 800rmb.And their Bata shoe was sold at 400rmb (cheapest shoe).soon it was turning dark and we slowly walk to老鼠街 to meet the rest. In老鼠街, the socks and shirts are sold at a very low price. Had 华莱士 for dinner and we took 308 back to 建设一路。

Reflection: Chinese food, in general, is healthy and nutritious. Chinese people often have soy-bean milk(豆浆), deep-fried dough sticks(油条), steamed buns(馒头) or congee(粥) as breakfast. The Chinese regard eating as an art, which is a comprehensive combination of sight, smell, touch, taste and even sound. Chinese cuisine is a dominant branch from the Chinese culture - the core is taste while the purpose is to preserve health.
People have different eating or food culture from countries to countries. In Singapore, Singaporeans usually have bread or bee hoon (a kind of noodles) for breakfast. Even though the food that we eat are slightly different, but that does not matter. What really matter are the taste and the nutritious value of the food. We have to eat healthy. Your body is what you eat.

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