Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day7-Studying and shopping

Today, lesson as usual. Wake up at 8.30am to wash up and rushed to school to avoid the late penalty of 10 RMB.This penalty is costly, isn't it? We study gantt chart and resource usage chart.This will help us to schedule the projects even better and will help us to keep track of the deadlines and the productivity of the projects.It also help us to run the projects at a minimum cost.

Front view of my school.

I woke up the seventh day to perfect blue sky weather.

This is located at the school main gate

It means to have an 永不放弃spirit. in what ever we do.Be it studies or sports.I also heard from the local students hat when they are in the army training, they need to shout this everyday.If all Singaporeans have this kind of spirit, Singapore government will not need to poach foreigners already.

Exotic and unique pizza combinations with quirky names fill the menu.

This pizza creation only include fresh, quality ingredients.

Pizza Hut

Wal-Mart receipt

As a one-stop shopping experience, the Supermarket also offers a bakery, a delicatessen, a frozen food section and meat, dairy and fresh produce sections.

student hostel

It's the news thousands of lazy teenagers have been waiting for - messy beds are actually good for you.New research has found that creepy crawlies (dust mites)which live in mattresses can't survive in an unmade bed. It is believed dust mites need warm, humid conditions to survive - an unmade bed is dry and cold.


My experience in Wuhan university is joyful and fulfilling.I learned a lot in class today.I will cherished the highlights of my school days in Wuhan. This trip allow me to learn a lot of things.Even thought it is only day 7, i have found out that actually the boy's dormitory does not have their own toilet.And if they want to bathe then need to go to the public toilet with no doors.Whereas in Singapore, this will definitely not happen.Singaporeans take things for granted.If this happens in Singapore, they might just keep complaining but here they never complain anything.This trip also make me more cherish my family as i already learn that with out family's love, there is a lot of things you cannot accomplish.

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