Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 8-Studying + Shopping

Today , the post is going to be very short due to the short activity today. Before lesson, we went to the 小康洗衣店to have our OIP shirts washed (for tomorrow trip).As for the remaining shirts, we washed it on our own. We have lesson from 9am-12pm.Then after that we went to eat at duo luo jie (the streets behind our hostel).
buckets of shirt getting ready to be wash

lady boss
The 炒饭(fried rice)and the egg pancake was tasty and mouthwatering. It is highly recommended be me. So for today lesson ,we learn how to see task usage (each workers daily working hours), resource graph (to see is there any over allocated workers), resource sheet(rates, max. unit, type, and resource name) and resource usage(daily working load).I took 2hours to complete the practical. Before that, we were doing AON. So after studying, we went to duo luo jie to grab something to eat than we meet at 3pm at the lobby of our hostel before heading for 江汉路步行街。I brought a lot of things and on our way back, dong zhe called and told me that the only directed bus(588路)leaves at 10.30.So when 588 came we have to hop onto the bus, if not we got to have to take cab back to hostel(which is very expensive).So we was like run with haste together with the bus hoping to squeeze in, but the number of people who was boarding was overwhelming and ning lin's leg was being stuck in between the steps and the people. She was like screaming ‘my leg my leg’ but nobody care about her. Luckily she manage to pull up her leg from the massive lump sum of people.


Reflection on food:
If you love spicy food and are prepared to try new and interesting cuisine Wuhan is the place for you. Most of these dishes are served in tongue scorching hot sauces that will leave you half-blind and dying for water. Please remember to bring water with you wherever you go, some places charge money for a bottle of water. Good night.

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