Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 9-Steel Industry Visit and First IS Module

Wuhan Iron and Steel is the nation's fourth largest iron and steel producer.Today, I went to Wuhan Steel industry and I realized something shocking and astonishing.Do you guys know that Steel is 100% recyclable and 60 million tons of scrap steel are recycled every year which is more than paper, aluminum, glass and plastic combined.

Just a short video to recap the visit to the factory.Just sit back and enjoy this amazing video.WOW!

Group Photo-The only outstanding blue safety helmet.Haha....

It clearly stated here that Wisco had succeeded in test rolling for the first time after donkey's year.
Short reflection:Well, I guess for the above case of Wisco, perseverance is the key to success.Because without perseverance you’ll never see any glory.This really give me some motivation to keep on blogging believing that all I need to reach my goal is constant determination, time, and a little bit of luck.

The hot, humid and stuffy air rushed against our faces.

High performance construction steel and so on known as “High Quality and High Value-added Products”
Reflection :
I have a short discussion with the construction worker over there.From our conversation , I realized that fluoride air pollution comes mainly from steel factories, ceramics work and coal burning.For example, in 1999 the total quantity of fluoride released into the atmosphere from industrial production in China was estimated at 2 million tons, of which the amount from iron and steel contribute to as high as 30%.Well, this is indeed very disheartening.I hope that regulations can be more stringent.We ignore at our own peril.

~Good night~

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