Friday, April 16, 2010

Day 25-Wudang Mountain

Today, we need to wake up at 7am for the climbing of武当山. We went to the second level which is the location of the restaurant, to have our breakfast. Those who are not climbing the武当山can sleep till 10am.Finally; we are off to climb the武当山. Even though, I am feeling unwell, but I still decide to take up the challenge to climb the mountain. It will definitely be regret if I did not climb the mountain.The total distance was 4.8km.

A photo with the WUST staff and my roommate before climbing up the 武当山.
A group photo with my friends

There are large numbers of people climbing up武当山, just to pray for their fortune or health. This shows that these people are really very sincere.

While climbing up, I feel like vomiting as the WUST staff keep on forcing me to climb and don’t allow me to rest and stop at a pavilion to sit down. Chermaine was also not feeling well thus Ling Li tell the teacher to let her rest there while the rest continue to climb up the journey.While climbing up half-way,I have the mind-set to discontinue the journey.But,I understand that I should not give up.Thus,I endure and continue the journey.

This is the steep steps.

This is Chermaine who climb together with me.

We continue to climb until we reach a split where the left side was 1.8km but less steep and the right was 1.4km but more steep. We decided to take the 1.8km. Finally, we reach the 金顶.Then another problem arise. The teacher did not give us our entrance ticket. I told Chermaine to just walk and ignore the ticker- checker man. However, we were caught and were force to stand beside the entrance. Then, I spotted him walking away to check the people who is queuing at the back. I quickly pull Chermaine into the crowds. However, as the people at the entrance were massive, there is no way we can move up, then the ticket checker spotted us again. He quickly pulls chermaine down and wanted to pull me as well but I was just not within his reach. He asks people to call me but I just ignore and quickly squeeze through the crowd towards the金顶.Finally, I reached.

I crave the lock for my family and for my grandma. It is for平安. Thus, we went down after taking picture for 15minutes. Thereafter, we went down the mountain. Going down is easier as it is not against gravity.

Reflection: Climbing up and down the Wudang Mountain, took me about 7 hours. The journey was long and tedious. However, I did not give up. I decided to endure and continue my journey. Having the positive mindset was vital because having the right attitude; I can achieve more than what I originally set or target. Beside this, when I was at the top of the mountain, I could view the magnificent scenery and this view really captivate me. China is a country that fills with scenery that you wouldn’t want to miss.

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