Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 13-Busy with lectures and projects

As usual, I have lesson from 9.00am to 11.30am.Well, today I learned about project costs and costs crashing. After that,I went to 三弓路 street to buy meat pie (肉饼),chinese dumpling (水餃) and guo tiao(which means fried noodles).肉 饼 costs only 1 rmb.水餃 costs 4 for 1rmb.The taste is scrumptious.It is crisp on the outside and tender inside.After enjoying our food, we contiue our lessons until 4pm.My group stayed behind to further discuss our projects until 6 pm as Ms Neo wanted to lock the door already.
Reflection:Although I feel that doing project is time-consuming,but I'm sure the benfits far outweigh this.Through project work, I learned to solve for problems and think of practical ideas.Beside this,I learned to work together on tasks that require a repertoire of skills and to apply what I have learned to complete a project in a group.Most significantly, I have learned how to apply what I have learned how to apply knowledge and communication collaboration.Good night.

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